Friday, December 7, 2012

SOTD: Clan Of Xymox - No Words

This song is the tits.
Have you ever experienced a desperate, unrelenting love in your youthful stupidity? At the time, the rejection was the most excruciating pain you had ever thought imaginable. The longing in your heart was unbearable, so you traveled out into the moonlight for distraction and decadence. Surely, if your true love won't have you, some stranger will be delighted by your endless charms. However, instead, you found yourself alone and highly intoxicated, battling the most ferocious feelings of self-pity and self-loathing you had yet to face in your short life. Hours passed in this manner. Then, somehow, maybe for the most fleeting moment, you reached some sort of understanding acceptance and whatnot. You wanted to think of spring tulips pushing their way up through the leftover gray snow, and baby chicks breaking out of their shells for the first time and whatever else beautiful nonsense. That is the essence of this song.
get it here


  1. Amazing song! Here's the album the song comes from:!download|696p12|262650083|1994_-_Subsequent_Pleasures.rar|96036|0|0

    Password is in rar

  2. Obrigado! Adorei o vídeo. Pretendo ouvir o álbum agora.Parabéns pelo blog!
