Saturday, April 20, 2013

Husker Du - Flip Your Wig (1985)

 Walking around with your head in the clouds...makes no sense at all

Long time no post! It's still 4/20 and it's national Record Store Day. I did not buy any records, I was working all day. But every time I have extra cash to spare it's "Record Store Day." I'm grateful to live in Chicago that has so many great record stores. It saddens me anytime a record store closes. And my beloved discogs...I love thee.
Anyway.. I'm feeling punky. This is my favorite Husker Du album. I completely adore Bob Mould - I love the band's sound, his lyrics, his guitar work, everything. This band is flawless in my eyes. I was first familiar with Bob Mould's solo work, then I listened to Husker Du and was blown the F**K away. So cool...
Enjoy this album. I will be back with more stuff this week, I have so much to share :)


  1. Thanks for the great upload! Love the blog!

  2. Saw big Bob (and his peerless pals Jon Wurster and Jason Narducy)a few weeks ago in Sydney, and he played a lot from this rekkid. Thanks muchly. - Roger
